29 November 2009

Love the animals

My last post I talked about loving for the environment and today's post I would like to draw your attention to the animals. Which I think might be closer to some of us who owns a pet at home. I think humans love animals more than they love the environment. Do you know why?

However, not all animals are being treated nicely by humans. These animals are being abused by inconsiderate actions of the humans. There are people who would pick up sticks and chase after the cat to poke them on the streets.

There was once I saw a cat being tied up with a chain and there were scars on its body and face. I think this is an act of cruelty for a person to do that to an animal who does not do any harm to humans. Some even kicked and stomp these animals' feel. It might be funny to those people who did that but these cats and dogs are suffering physically or maybe mentally?

We might not aware that they are suffering because these animals can't speak to ask for help. It is a sad thing to let them suffer and what we do is only pity them from far and did not lend them a helping hand.

The statistic of animal abuse in the world has increase over the years. Why is that so? Maybe it is a question for us to ponder. There are more and more stray cats and dogs can be found on the streets eating rubbish and sleeps anywhere.

Maybe we can help these stray cats and dogs to have a proper place to stay and food to eat by calling the SPCA. At least these stray cats and dogs will be well taken care of and will not be abused by anyone on the streets.

Let us show our love to these animals who are not properly taken care of. If we are not ale to take care of them at home , at least treat them nicely like how we treat our friends and family.


  1. Hi Syabrina! Oh no oh no, animal abuse is increasing? So very sad. I wish there was more we could do to curb animal abuse, but I agree that least we should each treat animals we see with care.
    I'm glad your blog posts end off with videos, the interactive experience helps drive the message home! Thanks!

  2. Hi Aubrey!

    Thank you! Ya it is so sad that animal abuse is increasing...with a bit of care towards these animals they will be safe =)
