03 December 2009

Love for Family

We teenagers often forgets that family is our biggest support and their love is unconditional. We always thought that our friends are the best who listens to us each time we need a listening ear.

What can the reason be??

In my opinion, we spend most of our time in school rather than at home that is why we always turn to our friends for help and we get our love from them. As a result, we complain that family ignore us.

Actually, we cannot blame our family alone. It is because we did not take the initiatives to spend time with then at home. We would go out with friends after school and during the weekends. Therefore, our relationship with our family getting further apart.

Although they do not have the time for us, at least we make the first move. Initiate the conversations or go for outings. After all, our families are the one who will be there for us permanently instead of friends. Do you agree?

I agree that families would be the ones who would be there for you giving you the moral support and love. For example, if someone got into trouble and we sent to jail, their families are the one who would bail them out instead of friends. Sometimes, friends would only be there for you is things are right. When things went wrong, they would just leave you alone struggling.

Therefore, let us appreciate the sacrifices of our families. Even though we might see that they did not shower us enough love, but actually they do. It's just that we did not notice because we did not spend time together with them.

Each one of us are important to each other. Let us play our part to bridge the gap of our family



  1. Hi Syab! Yups I agree with u that family are always the best & biggest supporter in life (:
    We can always make friends but having one or two close ones would do. Afterall, family are placed 1st for me (:

    Yee Leng

  2. Families, especially parents, are sadly often overlooked by teenagers, who see "growing up" as hanging out with their friends. I think it comes full circle though, when I was 15 or so I was embarassed to go out with my mother, for fear of being seen as uncool. Now, I don't think there's anything wrong with it, so I think it's a phase that most teenagers outgrow within a few years.

  3. Hi Shea!

    Ya I think it is a phase that all teenagers will go through.Like me, sometimes I just feel that it is fun to be around with my friends. Then ,I realized that my friends will not be there for me every time.Each one of us has our own live so it is impossible for our friends to be there for you every time. Therefore, family comes first

  4. Hey Syabrina:)

    I totally agree that families play the most important part in our lives. I could not imagine myself not having parents to support me throughout my 18 years and loving siblings to care for. Life would indeed be dull and miserable. Sometimes parents may not understand our ones and needs but if we as their child make an effort to share to them, I'm sure they would love to listen to what we have to say.

  5. Hi Syab, it is indeed a real problem in teenagers these days when we place our friends over our families. But I think that it's almost human nature for people to hurt those they love more than those they do not. Not logical when you think about it, but it just happens.

  6. Hi Syabrina! I think our family, and especially our parents, are the one group of people we can count on for a hundred per cent reliability. We should definitely treasure them and create more opportunities for family bonding by initiating family activities as you mentioned!
    -- Tan Su Yi Kay 0703121D T04

  7. Hey Syab! I do agree with you totally on your blog post! Family is often neglected, and sadly, at times even placed lower priority than Friends. I do it sometimes too. However, we have got to remember that blood runs thicker than water, and that as a Family, we will have to stand side-by-side each other, and then comes Friends!

  8. hello... I agree with you that family members will be there for us permanently. But friends are also important! Nothing is fair in this world, so I guess we have to balance it :D -Fiona
