22 November 2009

Earth Song - Michael Jackson


  1. Hi Syabrina!

    Oh dear, poor fish and trees! Thanks for your eye-opening, engaging article and accompanying pictures + video on what we are doing to our earth. What about our environment? - This is a question we should all ask ourselves when we live our lives, so we can take steps to stop any of our environmentally-harmful practices.

    New media, with its wide reach, provide great avenues to spread important messages like needing more environmentally-friendly practices.

    Do take my poll and comment at enteringentertainment.blogspot.com :)! See you in class!

  2. Hi Aubrey!

    Thank you for taking the time reading my blog. =)
    Ya it is so sad to see the fishes and trees suffer because of inconsiderate humans. I hope new media are able to influence and create awareness among the people in the world to love the environment like how they love humans by taking care of it.
